Europe-Adriatic SEA WAY


IPA ADRIATIC: http://www.adriaticipacbc.org/
EA SEA-WAY: http://www.easeaway.eu/about-the-ea-sea-way-project

EASEA-WAY - Joint Knowledge-Management Tool


The general objective of EA SEA-WAY is to improve the accessibility and the mobility of passengers across the Adriatic area and its hinterland,through the development of new cross border(CB), sustainable and integrated transport services and the improvement of physical infrastructures related to those new services.
In particular,specific project objectives are to:
1.integrate and upgrade existing and new collective passenger (tourists and residents)  transport services to increase the accessibility across Adriatic basin and decrease CO2 emissions
2.explore a better integration of urban and regional connections between ports, airports and main tourist destinations/urban areas
3.develop new or renovate existing infrastructures in the Adriatic port system in order to promote and encourage a more sustainable and efficient passenger transport
4.foster the passenger sea transport and other collective transport means connected to the port system
5.test new governance models in the light of the forthcoming Adriatic Ionian Macro Region.
The specific objectives are achieved through the development of integrated actions:the evaluation of the integration among  Adriatic ports and their hinterland (WP4) that allows to identify needs and priorities, bottlenecks, potentials for passenger transport services/lines and their integrations, to outline scenarios and interventions for more sustainable and efficient passenger transport services in the Adriatic area, hence to decrease CO2 emissions; the activation of new governance tools in the Adriatic Ionian area and the shared definition of durable and sustainable cooperation strategies on passenger transport(WP5) coherently with the results of WP4; the implementation of pilot actions (WP6) aimed at improving Adriatic port system,its integration with hinterland,airports,rail network,other destinations, intraAdriatic connections,putting into action the cooperation strategies and paving the way for further investments.




31 Μαΐου 2016
